Idea Merdeka Video Contestku Jadi Inspirasi - Disiar Pihak 8Share


Siapa sangka orang yang kekeringan idea nak cari bahan untuk hasilkan video merdeka, telah dijadikan sumber inspirasi untuk peserta yang bakal join contest ni: The Merdeka Video Contest: ESCAPE Shots. Haha..terkezut bila melihat salah 1 inspirasi tu merupakan idea olahanku.

Ideas and Tips For Creating A Merdeka Video

Since putting up the RM100 reward for a Merdeka video entry for you 8Share users:, some of you have asked me the following:

“I need ideas!”
“How do I create the video?”
“Where do I begin?”
“How do I add in the song? This is too hard!”

Well, the reward is still ongoing, so I’ve decided to write this post to help answer all your questions. Let’s begin with the easy part. IDEAS~


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Create a montage

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Get a group of friends and sing along to the song

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Tell a story

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Draw and animate characters

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Conduct an interview

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Be a rockstar! Sing the song!

 Now that you have some ideas, let’s create that video! Nak tahu tips lebih lanjut layari: Ideas & Tips For Creating A Merdeka Video

Ehem-ehem.. Draw and animate characters. I lettew! Moga jadi inspirasi buat u olls semua. Selamat membikin video. 


kreatifnya ...Azwar masih blajar macam mana 8share ni..sebab kureng faham.. :)

kreatifnya ...Azwar masih blajar macam mana 8share ni..sebab kureng faham.. :)

Kreatifnya..huhuhu..mmg tak pandai dalam bab nih.,

Goodluck ktk ;D

Yumida akak tag untuk segmen nih..

Kreatif ni dik...akak memang bab2 ni tak tau apa2...hehe...semoga berjaya..

awesome kak yum.. terbaik, akak pakai corel draw ke? ke illustrator.. hehe

akak pakai excel je sha
x reti pakai illustrator
bez klo ada sifu yg ajarkan..
